CAMAF achieves a very healthy average 47% open rate across all its email marketing campaigns

Using Rocketmailer, the Chartered Accountants (SA) Medical Aid Fund (CAMAF) took full control of its email marketing – from database segmentation to campaign scheduling – successfully engaging the right target recipients with exceptional delivery and open rates.

A visual representation of three bulk email marketing campaigns featuring a Thank you mailer on the left, a 2024 contribution increase in the middle and an exiting news notification on the right.

The Client

For over 70 years, the Chartered Accountants (SA) Medical Aid Fund (CAMAF) has been operating as a self-administered and restrictive membership scheme providing exceptional, personalised benefits to eligible members within the accounting industry. The number of accounting firms selecting CAMAF as their preferred medical scheme continues to grow year on year, reflecting the service that puts CAMAF in a class of its own.

The Challenges

CAMAF wanted a tool that would enable them to seamlessly communicate with their members quickly and easily. They needed a way to make sure important messages – ranging from regular newsletters members, or communication to medical practitioners – not only reached their members’ inboxes reliably but were also clearly and consistently branded and designed to encourage direct engagement. Additionally, they were looking for a tool that could provide detailed reports and analytics to give them valuable insights into their professional membership base and the performance of their communications campaigns.

A visual representation of email marketing, where a bulk email is animating as if you're scrolling down the bulk email in a laptop screen.

The Solution

CAMAF chose Rocketmailer because it gave them all the above benefits and more.

With Rocketmailer, CAMAF is in full control of each communication that needs to be sent. It enables them to manage their database to their exact campaign requirements, making use of additional layers of segmentation to ensure that its members always receive the most relevant communication.

Rocketmailer also gives CAMAF the flexibility of sending communications when and how they need to and can schedule communications for a date and time that suits them best, which ensures their messaging reaches recipients at a time when they are most ready to engage.

CAMAF’s communication encompasses a wide array of content, including newsletters, membership updates, client notices, health practitioner notifications and wellness notifications.

Recent campaigns have included launching the new CAMAFSyked online mental wellness counselling service, promoting their Online Wellness Club to company HR managers to encourage employees’ healthy eating and exercise, and offering seasonal flu vaccination advice.

A "Book your CAMAF Flu vaccination day now!' bulk email in a tablet.


The numbers speak for themselves. In the last year, CAMAF has achieved an average delivery rate of 97.77% and average open rate of 47.78% across all its Rocketmailer bulk email campaigns.

Client Testimonial

“Since using the Rocketmailer platform, I have been able to analyse and provide valuable insight to my executive team and the Board of Trustees regarding the engagement on our communication campaigns. Being able to send on-the-fly communication with our members when needed, has significantly increased our communication turnaround time enabling us to communicate important information while it is still relevant.”

Looking for a platform to increase your business’s engagement through email, SMS marketing, and automated transactional messages?